Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted to us. We comply with applicable Data Protection Regulations including in particular the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP). Please read this Privacy Policy to learn about your rights, what information we collect, how we use and protect it.

This website is operated by Ananse ART, a Swiss legal entity. 

We obtain personal data directly from individuals in a variety of ways, including obtaining personal data from individuals who provide us their business card, complete our online forms, subscribe to our newsletters and preference centre, register for webinars, attend meetings or events we host, visit our offices or apply for open positions. We may also obtain personal data directly when, for example, establishing a business relationship, performing professional services through a contract, or through our hosted software applications.

We may share personal data with trusted third parties to help us deliver efficient and quality services and products. These recipients are contractually bound to safeguard the data we entrust to them. We may engage with several or all of the following categories of recipients:

  • Parties that support us as we provide our services and products (e.g. providers of telecommunication systems, mailroom support, IT system support, archiving services, document production services and cloud-based software services, scanning services).
  • Payment services providers.
  • Marketing services providers.
  • Law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies 

We store personal data on servers located in Switzerland

In some instances, Ananse Art and its service providers uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies to automatically collect certain types of information when you visit us online, as well as through emails that we may exchange. The collection of this information allows us to customize your online experience, improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of Ananse Art’s online presence, and to measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities. Where cookies are used, a statement will be sent to your browser explaining the use of cookies.

If Ananse Art processes personal information about you, you have the rights listed below. Before responding to your request, we may ask for proof of identity. This helps us to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also ask you for sufficient information about your interactions with us so that we can locate your personal information.

  • Access – You can ask us to verify whether we are processing personal data about you, and if so, to provide more specific information.
  • Correction – You can ask us to correct our records if you believe they contain incorrect or incomplete information about you. 
  • Erasure – You can ask us to erase (delete) your personal data after you withdraw your consent to processing or when we no longer need it for the purpose it was originally collected and no retention requirements exist
  • Processing restrictions – You can ask us to temporarily restrict our processing of your personal data if you contest the accuracy of your personal data, prefer to restrict its use rather than having us erase it.
  • Data portability – In some circumstances, where you have provided personal data to us, you can ask us to transmit that personal data in electronic form if technically feasible.
  • Automated Individual Decision-making – You can ask us to review any decisions made about you which we made solely based on automated processing, including profiling, that produced legal effects concerning you or which significantly affected you.
  • Right to Object to Marketing including Profiling – You can object to our use of your personal data for marketing purposes, including profiling. We may need to keep some minimal information to comply with your request to cease marketing to you.
  • Right to Withdraw Consent – You can withdraw your consent that you have previously given to one or more specified purposes of processing your personal data. This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. It may mean we are not able to provide certain products or services to you and we will advise you if this is the case.

We have put appropriate technical and organisational security policies and procedures in place to protect personal data (including sensitive personal data) from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. Ananse Art limits access to personal data in general. Those individuals who have access to the data are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information. 

If you have access to parts of our websites or use our services, you remain responsible for keeping your user ID and password confidential. Please be aware that the transmission of data via the Internet is not completely secure. Whilst we do our best to try to protect the security of your personal data, we cannot ensure or guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk.


We retain personal data to provide our services, make offerings, stay in contact with you and to comply with applicable laws, regulations and professional obligations that we are subject to. We retain personal data for so long as the personal data is needed for the purposes for which it was collected or in line with legal and regulatory requirements or contractual arrangements. We will dispose of personal data when we no longer need it.


Our websites will typically contain links to other sites, including sites maintained by other firms that are not governed by this Privacy Policy. Please review the destination websites’ privacy policies before submitting personal data on those sites. Whilst we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other sites.


Ananse Art
Penelope Staenz
Greifenseestrasse 4
CH-8050 Zürich
Tel. +41 79 555 53 58



Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG
8070 Zürich

Penelope Staenz, Ananse Art
IBAN: CH19 0483 5048 5306 6101 0

Clearing-No: 4835

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