Eric Borketey was born in Accra - Ghana. He obtained his Art Education at the Accra School of Art. Borketey is also a vocal musician, teaching music, and singing in choirs. As an artist, Borketey expresses himself in following medium: Gouache on paper, Oils on canvas and paper using the pallet knife as his main tool for his art work. Borketey states, "I create every art piece without a draft. I just throw paints on canvas and let inspiration lead my hand." He is convinced that every struggle in life points one in the right direction. This philosophy is inherent in most of his works. Consequently, his works display scenes of the toil and joy of life, showing market women, fishing folk, musicians, dancers etc. His style is unique among his contemporaries. Borketey has been collected widely, both at home and abroad. Eric Borketey's art can be seen in collectors homes, as well as solo and group exhibitions across Ghana. His work has been displayed at following galleries: Accra Art Center, National Museum of Ghana, and various private galleries.