Jeffery Baidoo was born in 1996 in Ghana. He lives in Ghana and gets his inspiration from working with various materials, especially fabrics, creating colourful Collages full of life. Jeffery Baidoo is dedicated to contemporary art. His strategy is to create figures that come alive through textures, patterns and colours.Baidoo recycles remnants of African prints and fabrics to create something new and unique. He has exhibited at the National Gallery Accra – Ghana, the Arts Centre Accra and at the Ghana Association of Visual Artists (GAVA). Jeffery Baidoo states: In 2016, I decided to take Arts classes and after a year, in 2017, I felt confident enough to start out as an independent artist. I felt that by recycling materials and turning them into something beautiful, I could contribute to saving resources and lessening waste. My first work with pieces of fabric took me 3 weeks to complete (a picture of Nelson Mandela). The echo was extremely positive, encouraging me to create more.